22 February, 2006

let's get comfy

This will the be the first of many reminders/announcements about the event I have been thinking about for a while

WHERE: John Waldron Arts Center, in the Rose Firebay Room.

WHEN: Sunday, March 26

WHAT TIME: 7:30pm

HOW MUCH?: donations wholeheartedly accepted but far from required!

SO, WHAT AM I COMING TO SEE...I MEAN, HEAR : The Finding Resonance Collective and John Waldron Arts Center will host an evening of sonic explorations ranging from unedited field recordings to richly layered audio art. Bring your pillows and blankets and neighbors to listen to the sounds of irrigation systems in Southeast Asia, a diary of one teenager's bout with obesity, live, blissful folk music and more. The event is free. So are you!

Pure Student Radio will be running this radio spot in the coming weeks

13 February, 2006


yo, I'm bout to blog another blog. Brother Yoni had a zany dream last night, and I was in it! This news is probably most exciting for me, but I thought maybe you'd dig too.

Here's my date for tomorrow

Hearing Voices has dropped a couple V-Day specials. Listen and Love here

02 February, 2006

an audio contribution

It's late, 3:17 a.m. After watching a really wonderful movie; James' Journey to Jerusalem, I was feeling invigorated and kinda restless so I decided to go ego-surfing, and what I found was pretty exciting. Back in December, I sent one of my first and favorite recordings to an audio artist who was working on some kind of sound exhibit Brazil. I knew to send it after reading an entry about the exhibit on Lissenup. In addition to the Surface Tension exhibit that is now taking place in Curitiba, Brazil the artists were soliciting sound people from around the globe to send in their recordings of domesticity to compile a CD-R to give to the museum attendees in Curitiba. Now, I can think about curious Brazilians trying to make sense of An American-Jewish infant's second birthday party!