14 August, 2011

Sun King

We spent half of last week on the northern part of Isla del Sol, which sits in the the majestic Lake Titicaca (haha, caca).

There are no cars on the island and only about 800 families live there. To get there, we took a 2-hour ferry from Copacabana. We slept in a cute, little clay cabin, perched on the side of a small mountain, overlooking the lake. We paid 30 bolivianos (about $4.50) per night, and ate fresh caught trucha (trout) for lunch everyday.

At dinner everynight, we wathed sheep, cows, goats and donkeys pass by our restaurants´ window, being escorted home by their sheperds, after a plentiful day of grazing.

After Isla, we headed back to La Paz to board a 17-hour bus to Santa Cruz. Shira packed PB and J sandwiches, clementines, oreos, chips and water. Two ridiculously violent movies were shown overnight (Bloodsport and Desperado), and before we knew it, we pulled into Santa Cruz at around 11 am yesterday. From there, believe it or not, Shira and I stuffed ourselves into the front-seat of a tiny white cab, and rode another 3.5 uncomfortable hours to the small and charming village, Samaipata. All in all, we spent about 24-hours in transit.


Anonymous Donz said...

Copacabana? The hottest spot north of Havana?

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her name was Rina, she was a showgirl....


12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys sure are racking up those bolivian frequent driving miles!

ps Bring home a few bolivianos if you can!


10:19 AM  

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