25 September, 2008


"But if you've really learned how to think, how to pay attention, then you will know you have other options. It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, loud, slow, consumer-hell-type situation as not only meaningful but sacred, on fire with the same force that lit the stars -- compassion, love, the sub-surface unity of all things."

23 September, 2008

Sweet Juniper Daily Photo

"God, I hate what the highways have done to this region."

17 September, 2008


Rebecca Mazzei just wrote her last article for the Metro Times as their arts editor. (She took a job at CCS as an assistant dean at CCS)

"Constantly walking in the same surroundings, what could I do but dream?"

"Detroit, through misfortune, has one natural resource which every other major city in the world except for Paris, with its extensive parks system, covets: land space. It allows for many opportunities transforming the land or placing objects on it. Working with vacant land in some manner is probably the least expensive way to make transformation. You could change the city landscape more cost effectively than a $20 million building could."

"So many spots in this city seem as if they represent civilization's absence; we refer often to "empty" lots and "abandoned" buildings as our burial grounds of industrialization and capitalist enterprises. But that land bears centuries of footprints. Long ago, those who lived here believed in the intense influence of physical contact with nature — it was the very definition of existence. Maybe that's what is felt in tremors below the surface. The layers of "progress" have been peeled back. And like Whitfield says, now it's time to wake up the neighborhood, and let the rules change."

16 September, 2008

I Wish That Everything Were So Simple

I haven't felt like this* in a while.

* - everything is magic, everyone is nice, everything is beautiful, and gauzy and sad all at once.

This guy got me in the mood. Thanks to this guy for turning me on to him. And thanks to her for making me exicted to travel.

02 September, 2008

Fake City, Real Dreams

Zak Rosen is a radio producer. Neil Greenberg is a map-maker. They’re both from Detroit, but their hearts are in a different city, a city they think is possible—at least in the imagination and maybe in reality.

The radio piece they made together treats this place as if it were real. It is a creative exercise that hints at a plausible future. Fake City, Real Dreams is unlike any “arts feature” you’ve heard before.