30 April, 2009

Blank Canvas

Last night, I hung out with my old friend Justin from temple. He's a painter, hoping to forge a career in the arts, both teaching and painting. I was lucky enough to get a peak at the evolution of his work over the past few years (maybe more?) on this cool site.

He talked about, and I agreed, how daunting it can be to create art in the face of unequivocal open-endedness. The possibilities are literally limitless! And that can be overwhelming, no? But also liberating of course.

Our conversation reminded me of a quote (see below) posted by a sound artist on Transom's fascinating and poetic forum about the creative possibilities of radio, and the unfortunate demand in public radio for "LITERALness."

The most challenging aspect of cultivating “new” space (or anything new, for that matter) is the absence of time for reflection.
- Galen Joseph Hunter

My favorite radio makers are ones that embrace open spaces, both real and imagined. Their work inspires a sense of wonder and humility and reverence for the void (or whatever you want to call it). And I think this is so because they not only set aside time for reflection themselves, but also make art about that very notion/impulse.


Anonymous Yoni London said...

Man, I couldn't agree more. For the first time in many months, I was able to have a quiet, open weekend. This allowed me to have ideas (musically) and then to develop them over the course of the weekend. I felt many times over the past two days a sense of vastness, a sense of time moving slowly and there being enough time (as opposed to "where did my weekend go?"). I woke up Saturday morning, played guitar in the sun and came up with a melody and lyrics that I've had the space to sing evolve over the past two days. I feel like I just learned a lot about how I create.

7:53 PM  

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