31 October, 2006

Good Day

Tally Hall is collectively very funny. Hella funny. They are also very good at singing interesting and impressive harmonies.

Listen to them make jokes and sing harmonies on Front Row Center this week.

Also on this weeks' show, the indomitable Alex Gorash and others spittin' Shakespeare.

Tune in to 101.9 on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. or Stream Online whenev.

23 October, 2006

The Idiot's Warehouse, by Hafiz

I know the idiot's warehouse
is always full.

I know each of us
Could run back and forth from there
All day long

And show everyone our vast collection.

Though tonight, Hafiz,
Retire from the madness for an hour,

Gather with some loyal friends
Or sit alone

Sing beautiful songs

To God.